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The Most Popular Cosmetic Surgeries Around the World

Published on: 12 Nov 2019

Mr Debashis Ghosh

NHS Consultant
GMC Number: 4657664

Medically reviewed by a licensed NHS consultant
Last updated: 15/08/2019

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Plastic surgeries are no longer the taboo they used to be, as more and more people undergo cosmetic surgeries which are both invasive and non-invasive.

The latest cosmetic surgery statistics from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons further supports this growth. In 2018, more than 28,000 procedures took place in the UK; while breast enlargement, breast reduction, and eyelid surgery were identified as the top three procedures performed countrywide.

The official statistics, of course, represent only those who have had surgery and those in the UK, yet, there are many more individuals in the UK and around the world who are interested in the various surgeries available to them and therefore embark on a mission of information.

It is the initial interest that encouraged cosmetic surgery specialists Flawless.org to investigate the growing trends.

Flawless.org identified the top 9 cosmetic surgeries around the world, and then looked at the countries that Google these surgeries the most – revealing the top searched per country. Flawless utilised data from SEMrush, and the countries included: UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain.

The results for the UK:

Cosmetic SurgeryAverage Monthly Volume
Hair Transplantation27,100
Breast Reduction22,200
Breast Enlargement8,100
Face Lift / Eyelid Surgery5,400

The results for France:

Cosmetic SurgeryAverage Monthly Volume
Liposuction (Liposuccion)22,200
Rhinoplasty (Rhinoplastie)18,100
Abdominoplasty (Abdominoplastie)14,800
Breast Enlargement (Augmentation Mammaire) /Breast Reduction(Réduction Mammaire)9,900
Hair Transplantation (Greffe de Cheveux)8,100
Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplastie)6,600
Otoplasty (Otoplastie)4,400
Face Lift (Lifting)3,600

The results for Germany:

Cosmetic SurgeryAverage Monthly Volume
Hair Transplantation(Haartransplantation27,100
Breast Enlargement(Brustvergrößerung)22,200
Breast Reduction(Brustverkleinerung8,100
Eyelid Surgery(Blepharoplastik1,300

The results for Italy:

Cosmetic SurgeryAverage Monthly Volume
Rhinoplasty (Rinoplastica)12,100
Eyelid Surgery (Blefaroplastica)12,000
Liposuction (Liposuzione)/ Breast Enlargement(Mastoplastica additive)9,900
Abdominoplasty (Addominoplastica)  8,100
Facelift (Lifting)2,900
Breast Reduction (Mastoplastica Riduttiva)1,900
Otoplasty (Otoplastica)/ Hair Transplantation(Trapianto di capelli)1,600

The results for Spain:

Cosmetic SurgeryAverage Monthly Volume
Liposuction (Liposuccion) / Rhinoplasty (Rinoplastia)9,900
Abdominoplasty (Abdominoplastia)8,100
Breast Enlargement (Mamoplastia de Aumento)5,900
Breast Reduction (Reducción de Pecho)3,600
Otoplasty (Otoplastia)2,900
Hair Transplantation (Transplante de Pelo)2,400
Face Lift (Lifting Facial)1,600
Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)170